Sunday, May 13, 2007

Room Service!

I awakened this morning to the clatter of pots and pans and the giggles of two kids completely on a mission. I was firmly instructed not to leave my bedroom and after about 30 minutes, a knock and an announcement arrived - "Room service!". In enter two completely giddy little girls carrying a bountiful tray of breakfast goodies. As a former professional meeting planner, I have experienced more than my share of Five Star Resorts. But, I can say with abosolute confidence, never before have I been more impressed with the Five Star Sevice I received in my own home. Sorry that I could not share it with you all.
Traveling this summer? Find your own Five Star Resort:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What wonderful kids you must have! To make you breakfast and that priceless card, that will be worth sentimental value for years to come! Your blog is truly inspiring!