Friday, May 11, 2007

Montessori Children's House of Durham

What do you get when you mix organic heavy cream, organic whole milk, loads of honey, vanilla extract, ice, rock salt, a 6 year and a 9 year old? The best all natural ice cream I've ever tasted. This comes from an ice cream connesieur. I've tried it all (Eddy's, Goodberrys, Marble Slab, Cold Stone). My daughter S. Anna and her classmates at the Montessori Children's House of Durham (MCHD) insist that everything they serve in their annual School Store, be authentic, organic and wholesome. They accept no short cuts. No store bought potato chips or packaged cookies. Instead they made, in the classroom, carob chip cookies instead of the chocolate chip version. There was fresh popcorn, popped from the kernel, drizzled with melted butter and parmesean cheese. Yogurt parfait with fresh granola and fresh organic fruit. And did I mention the mint tea (those little hands picked the mint leaves). Unbelievable dedication to excellence on behalf of these Durham kids and their teachers!

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