Monday, June 25, 2007

Durham Rising

Durham is rising and Saturday's Downtown Festival was living proof of the ascent. On Saturday between 4 PM and 10 PM, Downtown Durham was alive with children hurdling over the giant slide, young couples strolling their babies and teenagers and seniors alike taking it all in. They were all on hand to hear the Jazz, Blue Grass, Rock, test taste the new restaurants (I can't wait to visit Rue Clear) and preiveiw the newest Downtown boutiques, loft apartments and artists. So much to see and do! It did not seem to matter to anyone that a majority of the targeted construction remained incomplete. What mattered most was the great turnout and the great party. Much live a breath of fresh air blown into a once deflated balloon, Downtown Durham floated proudly above the ruins of it's past. On-lookers who now occupy loft apartments on Main Street fully extened their French balconies to take in the People's Processional Parade. The Hillside High School Drum Corp lead the way as the people of Durham marched and proclaimed once and for all that Downtown Durham is rising to all new heights!

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