Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Duke University Chapel

Let me start by saying that I am an avid, die-hard N.C. State Fan! With that being said, I would like to recognize the beauty that abounds on the Duke University Campus. Duke University, one of the most recognized universities in the world, sits pristinely in the cneter of Durham, North Carolina. Well within the confines of it's Neo-Gothic West and Georgian East Campus' are heroic images of athleticism, medical and academic excellence. I have been visiting the Duke campus since 1985 and more often within recent months. Not surprisingly, each visit brings about a certain amount of awe when I capture the initial vision of the Duke Chapel. I pour over the architecural details when I am standing just feet from it and I marvel at it's dominant presence when I glimpse it while cruising 15-501 on a clear summer night. It brings to mind one of my favorite paintings, Rouen Cathedral and Tour d' Albane by Claude Monet. What an amazing vision James B. Duke had back in 1930 when he set out to construct this masterpiece. Make sure a visit to the Duke Chapel is on your list of things to do. It is a lot less crowded during the summer months.

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